Published Academic Journals
I. Editor-in-Chief (2020-2022)
ISSN: 2672-7900 (print) ISSN: 2672-7919 (online)
Published Papers
1. Liasidou S., Afxentiou G., Malkawi E., Antoniades G. (2023). Attesting to hotel employees’ professionalism: views and
perceptions of managers. EuroMed Journal of Business. DOI: 10.1108/EMJB-04-2022-0075.
2. Afxentiou G., Melanthiou Y. (2022). Reengineering the organisation design of wine businesses. In D. Vrontis, Y. Weber,
A. Thrassou, R. Shams, E. Tsoukatos (Eds), "Business Under Crisis: Avenues for Innovation, Entrepreneurship and
Sustainability". Palgrave Macmillan.
3. Afxentiou G. (2021). Entrepreneurs’ well-being and mental health during the pandemic crisis. Ctl Eurocollege SST
Research Journal. p. 23-39. Limassol, Cyprus.
4. Afxentiou G. (2020). Reconstructing the organization design of Delicious Sauce Ltd serves as a venue for market
expansion. Ctl Eurocollege SST Research Journal. p. 8-15. Limassol, Cyprus.
5. Afxentiou G., Malkawi E., Antoniades G. (2020). Managing stress: A valuable asset of leadership effectiveness.
Ctl Eurocollege SST Research Journal. p. 15-27. Limassol, Cyprus.
6. Afxentiou G. (2020). The effect of structural design on export strategy in the wine industry of Cyprus. DBA thesis,
University of Cyprus. Nicosia, CYPRUS.
7. Afxentiou G. (2019). Restructured organizational design: The secret sauce in a food manufacturer's recipe for growth.
Global Business and Organizational Excellence. 38(5), p.27–32.
8. Afxentiou G. (2019). The effect of structural design on export strategy in the wine industry of Cyprus. DBA thesis,
University of Gloucestershire. Gloucestershire, UK.
Conference proceedings of abstracts and papers
1. Title: The Social Innovation Ecosystems in Businesses Create Sustainable Societies.
Authors: Afxentiou G.
Conference: The 14th Annual EuroMed Academy of Business (EMAB) Virtual Conference
“Contemporary Business Concepts and Strategies in the new Era”, Nicosia, Cyprus, EUROPE.
Accepted Abstract for Presentation and Publication at Conference Proceedings
September 22-24, 2021.
2. Title: Entrepreneurs’ Well-being in the Spectrum of a Crisis.
Authors: Afxentiou G.
Conference: The 14th Annual EuroMed Academy of Business (EMAB) Virtual Conference
“Contemporary Business Concepts and Strategies in the new Era”, Nicosia, Cyprus, EUROPE.
Accepted Abstract for Presentation and Publication at Conference Proceedings
September 22-24, 2021.
3. Title: An Innovative Organisational Design of Small and Medium Wineries.
Authors: Afxentiou G.
Conference: Cyprus Institute of Marketing (CIM) 3rd Annual Academic Conference
“Entering New Era”, Nicosia, Cyprus, EUROPE.
Accepted Developmental Paper for Presentation and Publication at Conference
Proceedings September 26 2020.
4. Title: The Role of Entrepreneurial Universities in Regional Knowledge Spill over and Social Innovation
Authors: Saha N., Sáha T., Weber C., Stukalina Y., Afxentiou G., Lepik K.L., Urmanaviciene A., Sáha P.
Journal: XV edition of IFKAD, 9-11 September 2020
Conference: IFKAD Conference, Matera, Italy, EUROPE
Accepted Paper for Presentation and Publication at the Fifteen Annual ISI Conference Proceedings of the IFKAD 2020
5. Title: The Relation of Stress Management and Leadership Effectiveness in the Hotel Industry of Cyprus
Authors: Afxentiou G.
Journal: EuroMed Academy of Business, September 18-20, 2019
Conference: Twelfth Annual EuroMed Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece, EUROPE
Accepted Paper for Presentation and Publication at the Twelfth Annual ISI Conference Proceedings of the EuroMed
Academy of Business 2019
ISBN: 2547-8516
6. Title: The Role of Stress Management in Managerial Decision Making: Cyprus Hotel Industry
Authors: Afxentiou G.
Journal: EKA University of Applied Sciences Journal, April 24-26, 2019
Conference: Emerging Trends in Economics, Culture and Humanities, Riga, LATVIA
Accepted Paper for Presentation and Publication at the Conference Proceedings of the International Scientific
Conference (etECH2019)
ISBN: 978-9984-24-222-4
7. Title: The Impact of Stress Management on Leadership Effectiveness in the Hotel Industry of Cyprus
Authors: Afxentiou G.
Journal: The Market: International Journal of Business, April 5, 2019
Conference: Second Annual Conference of the Cyprus Centre for Business Research, Limassol, CYPRUS
Accepted Abstract for Presentation and Publication at the Second Annual Conference Proceedings
of the International CIM Conference 2019
8. Title: Web Software for Business and Communication in Disadvantaged Communities of Cyprus
Authors: Afxentiou G.
Journal: The International Journal of Technology, Knowledge and Society, January 13-14, 2013
Conference: Ninth Annual International Conference on Technology, knowledge and Society, Vancouver, CANADA
Accepted Abstract for Presentation and Publication at the Ninth Annual ISI Conference Proceedings of
the International Conference on Technology, Knowledge and Society 2013
ISBN: 1832-3669
9. Title: Action and Case Research: The Effect of Structural Design on Export Strategy in the Wine Industry
Authors: Afxentiou G.
Journal: EuroMed Academy of Business, October 18-20, 2012
Conference: Fifth Annual EuroMed Academy of Business, Glion-Montreux, Switzerland, EUROPE
Accepted Paper for Presentation and Publication at the Fifth Annual ISI Conference Proceedings of the EuroMed
Academy of Business 2012
ISBN: 978-9963-711-07-9
10. Title: Methodology and Methods: The Effect of Structural Design on Export Strategy in the Wine Industry
Authors: Afxentiou G.
Journal: Consumer Behaviour Erasmus Network, June 11, 2012
Conference: Consumer Behaviour Erasmus Network, Nicosia, Cyprus, EUROPE
Accepted Paper for Presentation and Publication at the Annual ISI Conference Proceedings of the COBEREN
Conference 2012
ISBN: 978-9963-7494-0-9
11. Title: The Realization of the Impact of Structural Design on Exports
Authors: Afxentiou G.
Journal: EuroMed Academy of Business, October 11-12, 2011
Conference: Fourth Annual EuroMed Academy of Business, Crete, Greece, EUROPE
Accepted Abstract for Presentation and Publication at the Fourth Annual ISI Conference Proceedings of the EuroMed
Academy of Business 2011
ISBN: 978-9963-711-01-7
1. Afxentiou, G. (2020). Cyprus SMEs still lag on innovation. Cyprus Mail [Online]. Available at: https://cyprus-
FvndFE_d8SX1r68_zcL9zH0zU [Accessed: October 7, 2020].
2. Afxentiou, G. (2017). The Creativity of Executive Management Supports the Development of Entrepreneurship, Cyprus Press and Information Office [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: July 20, 2017].
3. Afxentiou, G. (2014). The Creativity of Executive Management Supports the Development of Entrepreneurship, Cyprus Employers and Industrialists Federation [Online]. Available at:
[Accessed: March 2014].
4. Afxentiou, G. (2012). Professional Training in the Hotel Industry of Cyprus, EuroMed Press [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: April 2012].