Georgios Afxentiou Research Laboratory Ltd conducts research in the following fields:
A. An Innovative Organizational Design of Small and Medium Wineries
The development of a new Mutual (M) structural design that shares structural characteristics with those of small and medium businesses could be a useful tool. The (M) structural design aims to support small and medium wineries develop an export strategy. These wineries could adopt a business model that deploys common resources to distribute and promote wines.
B. Women Entrepreneurship in Green Technology in the Maritime
An exploratory research about women entrepreneurial activities in green technology in the maritime industry. An ongoing investigation about the perspectives and potential of female entrepreneurship in developing and implementing green technology in the maritime.
C. The Social Innovation Ecosystems in Businesses Create Sustainable Societies.
The economy in small communities could be supported by the infusion of businesses’ social innovation ecosystems.
This research aims to study the construction of social innovation ecosystems in businesses to support local economies.